What we do
Our programs
Our mission | Fostering academic success through tutoring and family support
Homework Central serves students in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade in the San Mateo-Foster City School District that have been identified as needing additional support outside of school.
HWC provides a warm, welcoming environment in which children get individual and group tutoring in English, reading, and math, complete assigned work online, and do enriching science, art, music, and other activities
In addition, we offer Family Nights four times per year, in which students, their siblings and caregivers, volunteers and community members join us for a healthy dinner and themed activities including literacy, music, and community-building.

“I love Homework Central because everyone is so nice and passionate and they help with homework and you can play games when you’re done and get to play outside and have so much fun.”
Mission Statement
Vision Statement
Compassion | We recognize the social/economic challenges facing students and their families and provide educational and community resources to assist in overcoming these barriers.
Service | Volunteers form the heart of Homework Central. Together, we build relationships with students to encourage their academic success and build self-confidence.
Resilience | As an organization, Homework Central confronts and overcomes obstacles to deliver much needed academic and emotional support to students and their families. We are dedicated and persistent.
Equity | All students should have the same access to quality educational opportunities. No student should be excluded because of race, ethnicity, language barriers, gender, or socio-economic challenges
Community | We bring together a community of families, educators, volunteers, resource-providers, and donors to wrap around students to ensure their success.
Filling a community need
Homework Central serves about 200 children each school year, primarily English-language learners from economically disadvantaged households. California Standard tests show that economically disadvantaged children are already trailing their peers, and for those classified as English learners the academic gap is significant.
Since 1998 Homework Central has stepped in to fill that academic gap, providing the foundational skills necessary for success in elementary school and beyond.